template< typename real, typename index, typename real3 > inline real3 _world_to_grid( const real *aabb, const index *dim, const real3 &pos ){ return real3( real(dim[0]-1)*(pos[0]-aabb[0])/(aabb[1]-aabb[0]), real(dim[1]-1)*(pos[1]-aabb[2])/(aabb[3]-aabb[2]), real(dim[2]-1)*(pos[2]-aabb[4])/(aabb[5]-aabb[4]) ); } template< typename real, typename index, typename real3 > inline real3 _grid_to_world( const real *aabb, const index *dim, const real3 &pos ){ return real3( aabb[0]+real(pos[0])*(aabb[1]-aabb[0])/real(dim[0]-1), aabb[2]+real(pos[1])*(aabb[3]-aabb[2])/real(dim[1]-1), aabb[4]+real(pos[2])*(aabb[5]-aabb[4])/real(dim[2]-1) ); }
The code assumes that the dim variable holds the number of points in each direction (e.g. int dim[] = { nx, ny, nz };) and that the first point is coincident with the minimum value of the axis-aligned bounding box with the last point coincident with the maximum value of the bounding box. The aabb parameter is the axis-aligned bounding box defining the grid in world space, e.g. int aabb[] = { xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax };