where (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camera_resectioning)
The OpenGL parameters are quite different. Generally the projection is set using the glFrustum command, which takes the left, right, top, bottom, near and far clip plane locations as parameters and maps these into "normalized device coordinates" which range from [-1, 1]. The normalized device coordinates are then transformed by the current viewport, which maps them onto the final image plane. Because of the differences, obtaining an OpenGL projection matrix which matches a given set of intrinsic parameters is somewhat complicated.
Roughly following this post, (update: a much-improved update from Kyle, the post's author is available here) the following code will produce an OpenGL projection matrix and viewport. I have tested this code against the OS-X OpenGL implementation (using gluProject) to verify that for randomly generated intrinsic parameters, the corresponding OpenGL frustum and viewport reproduce the x and y coordinates of the projected point. The code works by multiplying a perspective projection matrix by an orthographic projection to map into normalized device coordinates, and setting the appropriate box for the glViewport command.
/** @brief basic function to produce an OpenGL projection matrix and associated viewport parameters which match a given set of camera intrinsics. This is currently written for the Eigen linear algebra library, however it should be straightforward to port to any 4x4 matrix class. @param[out] frustum Eigen::Matrix4d projection matrix. Eigen stores these matrices in column-major (i.e. OpenGL) order. @param[out] viewport 4-component OpenGL viewport values, as might be retrieved by glGetIntegerv( GL_VIEWPORT, &viewport[0] ) @param[in] alpha x-axis focal length, from camera intrinsic matrix @param[in] alpha y-axis focal length, from camera intrinsic matrix @param[in] skew x and y axis skew, from camera intrinsic matrix @param[in] u0 image origin x-coordinate, from camera intrinsic matrix @param[in] v0 image origin y-coordinate, from camera intrinsic matrix @param[in] img_width image width, in pixels @param[in] img_height image height, in pixels @param[in] near_clip near clipping plane z-location, can be set arbitrarily > 0, controls the mapping of z-coordinates for OpenGL @param[in] far_clip far clipping plane z-location, can be set arbitrarily > near_clip, controls the mapping of z-coordinate for OpenGL */ void build_opengl_projection_for_intrinsics( Eigen::Matrix4d &frustum, int *viewport, double alpha, double beta, double skew, double u0, double v0, int img_width, int img_height, double near_clip, double far_clip ){ // These parameters define the final viewport that is rendered into by // the camera. double L = 0; double R = img_width; double B = 0; double T = img_height; // near and far clipping planes, these only matter for the mapping from // world-space z-coordinate into the depth coordinate for OpenGL double N = near_clip; double F = far_clip; // set the viewport parameters viewport[0] = L; viewport[1] = B; viewport[2] = R-L; viewport[3] = T-B; // construct an orthographic matrix which maps from projected // coordinates to normalized device coordinates in the range // [-1, 1]. OpenGL then maps coordinates in NDC to the current // viewport Eigen::Matrix4d ortho = Eigen::Matrix4d::Zero(); ortho(0,0) = 2.0/(R-L); ortho(0,3) = -(R+L)/(R-L); ortho(1,1) = 2.0/(T-B); ortho(1,3) = -(T+B)/(T-B); ortho(2,2) = -2.0/(F-N); ortho(2,3) = -(F+N)/(F-N); ortho(3,3) = 1.0; // construct a projection matrix, this is identical to the // projection matrix computed for the intrinsicx, except an // additional row is inserted to map the z-coordinate to // OpenGL. Eigen::Matrix4d tproj = Eigen::Matrix4d::Zero(); tproj(0,0) = alpha; tproj(0,1) = skew; tproj(0,2) = u0; tproj(1,1) = beta; tproj(1,2) = v0; tproj(2,2) = -(N+F); tproj(2,3) = -N*F; tproj(3,2) = 1.0; // resulting OpenGL frustum is the product of the orthographic // mapping to normalized device coordinates and the augmented // camera intrinsic matrix frustum = ortho*tproj; }
The code uses the Eigen linear algebra library, which conveniently stored matrices in column-major order, so applying the resulting frustum matrix is as simple as:
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadMatrixd( &frustum(0,0) );